



Marry yourself

海報設計+攝影作品 (珠寶設計:Lynne Lee)
主題是要討論Marry yourself這個概念,強調人與自身的關係,從而去思考現代人如何與自我相處。無論是否單身,都能有這個機會來參加自己的婚禮,並且藉由這個過程承諾照顧自己身體和心靈。

The idea is about pop up self-wedding hidden in the alleys of the Mayfair, happen at the same time at different places. I considered this event as a public performance art, and the wedding places will set up on the streets, you can just walk in and marry yourself. To test the idea, I actually made an event online, and 7 people signed up and willing to participate in their wedding, they been asked to wear white and create the ceremony for themselves. Me as a photographer using images to record the moment. In the end, I am using a book of Jane Austen's as a media to contained the photo shoots and all the elements people using at that day, such as the vow they wrote to themselves, wedding ring and flower.



Mean Girls




CSM Narrative Environments degree show

(Collaboration works)

中央聖馬丁敘事空間畢業展展覽平面,以Shaping Stories 為題,強調每個人來自不同背景和專業的特質,像是擁有自己的形狀,而此展覽把所有的作品集故事結合,讓"敘事空間"這樣的概念得以有最完整的呈現。

Reflecting the diverse professional and personal backgrounds of MA Narrative Environments’ students, our Degree Show presents a wide variety of projects. Each is unique, expressive of its particular location, audience and ambition. When viewed together, our projects reveal a colourful practice ecosystem, and a shared interest in re-making our worlds through critical, usually participatory and often provisional and playful interventions in daily life.

In this year’s exhibition, the MA class presents our individual achievements and our sense of ourselves as an evolving collective. Each student has created a shape representing an object key to the development of their project. These motifs recur throughout the show, flickering into view within exhibits and catalogue pages and gathering at the apex of the exhibition space to form an inter-connected collage of project identities.